We have many people still confused with the newsletter and website changes we made on Saturday June 1. Hopefully this will clear things up with our newsletter links and postings.
100% of our posts and stories will be available to everyone for free, as we have always done so on our main BLOG PAGE on our website. Our email newsletter is still 100% free.
What about
800 #’s and RV info? There will be no delay to anyone in receiving a rate change notification or official currency announcement. These are 100% free.
Our "Early
Access" posts will have links to a different page to read the posts with minimal ads, a few hours early. Important, if you did not pay for Early Access posts, then do NOT click on the newsletter section titled Early Access Posts...you would need to read the newsletter section titled "Regular Posts". READ BELOW about Section 1 and Section 2 and who can read what, when, and where.
Confused or still do not understand...reread the above and below information.
It is also a good
idea to read our Early Access Posts FAQ's on our website.
Thank you.
The Dinar Recaps Team
Section 1 post links (see below)
- These posts and links can be read by
"Early Access Post" subscribers right away from the newsletter emails.
- These posts and links will be in our next newsletter for all readers (in "Section 2").
- These posts and links can be read on our website, on our main BLOG PAGE 2 - 3 hours after the email/newsletter was sent (or possibly sooner).
- NOTE: the links in Section 1 will not work in 2 - 3 hours for non Early Access Post subscribers. You will need to wait
till the next newsletter when they move to Section 2, or go to our website main BLOG PAGE in 2 - 3 hours.
Section 2 post
links (see below)
- These posts and links can be read by everyone as soon as the email is received.
- If you are NOT an Early-Access subscriber...PLEASE go to this section to read our posts from the newsletter.
- These posts and links are also available on our main BLOG PAGE when posted there with the usual amount of